Comprehensive Medical Massage, Robin Wright, LMT & HMS
Where pain diminishes and the self-healing process begins!
About The Practitioner

The decision to become a Licensed Massage Therapist was easy for me. Caring for others has always been my nature. After completing my education requirements and obtaining my massage license, I went on to further my education at the Brookbush Institute to obtained the achievement of Human Movement Specialist. I believe this added to my practice to help me identify things such as postural dysfunction with the clients I serve. It is important to me that I always continue my education!

What makes Comprehensive Medical Massage different? 

I do not just think of this as my business and job. I truly care about the well being of my clients. I make sure I research the issue at hand my clients are experiencing. By doing this I can ensure I am fully prepared at the massage therapy session. I actively listen to what my clients have to say. If they relay to me they are not getting the results they want with a specific modality, then I try a different approach. 

I also look at the body as a whole system vs just looking at the affected area. For example, hand/wrist pain. The area that could really be causing the issue could be further up the arm or even in the neck. This is because the nerve that supplies the arm, hand and wrist arises from the spinal cord goes through the neck and travels down the arm and into the hand. 

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